Hey guys! I love love LOVE making video recipes. Balancing this with a full-time job in between spending time with family and friends, it has all but consumed my free time BUT you wanna know something? I wouldn’t have it any other way.
They say if you love what you do, you’ll never work a day in your life and in this circumstance, it couldn’t be more true (and I used to roll my eyes at that repeatedly before I experienced it for myself).
And us bloggers wouldn’t be “bloggers” in the first place if we didn’t have an audience, so we have all of YOU to thank for that! (Seriously, from the bottom of my heart, THANK YOU).
So with that said, whenever I see people (politely) suggesting that a recipe have more of this or less of that, it’s a wonderful thing. No matter how green or skilled we are in cooking, we can ALWAYS learn a new thing or two – and I am always open to suggestions. Of course you can alter a dish to your liking. All taste buds are different.
In fact, that’s the beautiful thing about recipes (that aren’t specific to baking) – THERE ARE NO RULES! Let us recipe bloggers serve you a recipe as a blueprint and you guys can take it from there and customize it however you wish – just like a California Closet!
But it’s all about the tone in which these things are communicated (which, admittedly is easy to lose in text versus vocally). Don’t command; suggest. Don’t criticize nastily; criticize constructively. Otherwise we won’t care and we’ll just laugh it up.
And if there’s something you hate or find unappealing and wish to comment on that publicly, please just pause for a moment before you do so. Is it really worth it? What does it accomplish except make you look like there’s a rain cloud over your head? And Barbra Streisand would not approve.
Thank you all so much again for your support. I am truly honored you have chosen Pressure Luck as one of your cooking pals. I do it for you and we are in this cooking journey together. Cook on!
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